
The Clearances started in the mid 18th century as part of a policy of agricultural improvement that valued sheep over people mainly as a means of landowners paying off their gambling debts and other indiscretions. By the 19th century the crofting communities created in the first phase became superfluous to requirements and people were driven out completely, often with landowners paying for passage to the Americas and beyond. It's a wrong that still needs righted. If you ever visit the village at Badbea on the boundary between Caithness and Sutherland you'll see why the children needed to be tied with rope lest they fall and rolls over the edge onto the tocks below. After that be sure to head south to see the splendour of Dunrobin Castle at Golspie. Built by George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland from the profits handed to him by his factor Patrick Sellar. You'll stand there in awe wondering why this abomination of French architecture has not been razed to the ground.